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Send Mom delicious Canadian gourmet foods for Mother's Day

Does your mom love to cook?  She's going to love our delicious Canadian gourmet products from Dream Weaver!  We've got amazing Balsamic Vinegars and Olive Oils from Montreal's Zoe Olive Oil.

Send Mom delicious Canadian gourmet foods for Mother’s Day          Send Mom delicious Canadian gourmet foods for Mother’s Day


Discover Zoë Olive Oils, olive oil producers & importers. They create outstanding premium extra virgin olive oil from their groves in southern Greece and import it into Canada for you to enjoy. Browse through our online olive oil store and explore our collections of extra virgin plain and infused olive oils, our darkwhite and infused balsamic  vinegarsinfused saltskalamon olivesWith Zoë products in your kitchen you will never run out of inspiration for fantastic tasting everyday meals, or just to wow your guests.  All 100% natural,fresh and simply amazing!


Red Pepper Jelly | Wildly Delicious

Send Mom delicious Canadian gourmet foods for Mother’s Day

Sweet meets savoury in this compelling, versatile jelly that pairs itself perfectly and adds a little heat to quiches, pork, or simply crackers and cheese.

Black Truffle Balsamic Onion Confit | Wildly Delicious


Send Mom delicious Canadian gourmet foods for Mother’s Day

This luxurious condiment combines the mellow sweetness of golden caramelized onions with the rich, earthy flavours of black truffles and rich flavourful balsamic vinegar. Enjoy it with everything from burgers and sausages to grilled seafood.


Caramelized Onion & Maple Confit | Wildly Delicious

Send Mom delicious Canadian gourmet foods for Mother’s Day

We use deep brown maple syrup from our favourite Quebec sugar bush gently folded into golden caramelized onions to produce this classical French Canadian condiment. Truly versatile, this condiment has unlimited applications enjoyed with beef, pork, chicken, paté and a charcuterie plate. Serve with salmon and fresh trout, in sandwiches and cheese plates. 


The Wildly Delicious Bread Dipper Trio makes the perfect Hostess Gift.


Send Mom delicious Canadian gourmet foods for Mother’s Day

To enjoy Canada’s original bread dipper, simply shake vigorously, drizzle onto a serving plate and serve with freshly torn chunks of crusty bread. Other inspirational ideas include using our dippers as a marinade or vinaigrette.